John Lazar, CEO, MetaSwitch speaking on: Understanding IMS (Innovative, Multimodal Subscribers, that is)

Alameda, CA: March 6, 2006.

What:   John Lazar, CEO, MetaSwitch speaking on: Understanding IMS (Innovative, Multimodal Subscribers, that is)
When:   Thursday, March 16th, 12:00 - 12:30pm PST
Where:   Spring 2006 VON Conference & Expo at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, Calif.
The Scoop:   The digital revolution is being driven as much by "next-generation users" as by next-generation of technology. Subscribers to telecommunications services expect more today from their service providers than ever before: ubiquitous, always-on broadband, seamless roaming between multiple devices, advanced services that integrate with their multimedia lifestyle, and ultimately the ability to access any service from anywhere, any time. Traditional phone service will quickly fade from these subscribers' lives unless service providers can evolve to meet these expectations.
Major carriers and vendors alike are looking to the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) as the "holy grail" architecture of convergence that will enable this transition. Current research worldwide projects that revenue from IMS equipment could reach $14 billion by 2010.
John Lazar, CEO, MetaSwitch (an industry-leading vendor of IMS switching and applications solutions for both packet and circuit-switched networks) tackles these issues... In his session, Lazar will outline what the "iPod generation" wants from their service providers, how IMS lays the blueprint for delivering advanced multimedia services - and how we are currently experiencing a radical shift in how we communicate, with broad implications for society.

About MetaSwitch

MetaSwitch ( is an industry-leading vendor of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) switching and applications solutions for both packet and circuit-switched networks. Its widely deployed call agent, media/signaling gateway and application server platform supports a full range of legacy Class 4/5 capabilities and hosted unified communications services, and scales from a few hundred to millions of subscribers in both integrated and distributed configurations. Customers include incumbent and competitive local exchange carriers, as well as operators of broadband wireless, cable and fiber networks.

MetaSwitch is a division of established telecom technology provider Data Connection. The company is consistently profitable and privately held, with main US offices in California and Virginia, and European headquarters in London, UK.