Metaswitch Press Releases

MetaSwitch achieves first RUS listing for VoIP Class 5 Switch

Written by Metaswitch | Mar 11, 2004 4:00:00 PM

Completion of field trial will accelerate circuit to packet migration by rural telephone companies


Alameda, CA: March 11, 2004. MetaSwitch, the leading provider of next generation broadband voice switch solutions, announced today that its MetaSwitch VP3500 Next Generation Class 5 Switch has been accepted for listing by the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS). The move follows completion of a successful field trial with Yukon Telephone in Whittier, Alaska - the first such trial to include Voice over IP (VoIP) served natively by a Class 5 switch.

The trial network included support for VoIP to Occam Networks Broadband Loop Carrier equipment, as well as traditional POTS lines via GR-303 from AccessMAXTM multi-service access platforms provided by Petaluma, Calif.-based AFC®. During the 7-month trial customers were smoothly transitioned from Yukon Telephone's existing legacy Class 5 switch without service disruption or switch outages.

"We were extremely pleased with the performance of the switch," said Don Eller, General Manager at Yukon Telephone. "I expect a Class 5 switch to just sit there and provide dial-tone reliably and consistently, day in, day out - and the MetaSwitch did just that. In addition, its ability to deliver Voice over IP plays a key role in our network upgrade, circuit to packet migration and expansion plans."

Inclusion on the RUS List of Materials means that qualifying rural telephone companies can purchase the MetaSwitch VP3500 with long-term, low-interest loans funded by the U.S. federal government. The loan program is designed to keep costs down, enabling customers in rural areas to have access to the same services as those offered by the larger regional and national carriers.

Randy Lowe, General Manager at Tri-County Telephone in Wyoming, welcomed the news: "When we were selecting our next generation switching platform, MetaSwitch stood out as the leading VoIP provider for rural telephone companies like Tri-County Telephone. This acceptance by RUS provides an important additional 'comfort factor' that reinforces our decision to replace our Lucent 5ESS with the MetaSwitch VP3500."

In addition to the field trial, Jaguar Communications of Minnesota provided testimonial evidence to RUS regarding their experiences deploying the MetaSwitch VP3500. . Jaguar's CEO, Donny Smith, said "I was happy to provide a wholly positive report to RUS. Since deploying the switch, we have been extremely satisfied with its performance, and the quality of MetaSwitch's support. For a small company like us, the attention and assistance that we receive from MetaSwitch is vital to our success."

"We were particularly pleased that the RUS committee granted acceptance after just 7 months' field trial," said John Lazar, MetaSwitch CEO. "This reflects the fact that the VP3500 is a mature, proven platform that is already widely deployed by independent telcos - and cements our leadership in the VoIP arena. We expect the listing by RUS to lead to even greater adoption of VoIP, and MetaSwitch technology in particular, among the rural telephone community."

About MetaSwitch

MetaSwitch, a division of privately held Data Connection, is the result of 22 years of experience supplying leading-edge technology to the telecommunications industry. Data Connection's track record of consistent profitability ensures long-term commitment to product development and customer support. The widely deployed MetaSwitch VP3500 Next Generation Class 5 Switch offers service providers an immediate solution for broadband (VoIP and/or VoATM) and POTS service and a future-proof "softswitch" architecture for enhanced applications.

MetaSwitch has offices in Alameda, CA, Dallas, TX and Reston, VA in the US and London, Chester and Edinburgh in the UK.

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