Metaswitch Challenges Operators to be Upwardly Mobile at MWC 2011

Operators must innovate services and infrastructure to compete in LTE markets


Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, February 14, 2011 — Metaswitch Networks, a leading provider of carrier systems and communications software solutions, will dedicate its presence at Mobile World Congress to describing how mobile operators can overcome their two greatest challenges: decreasing the cost and complexity of accommodating billions of mobile devices on SIP-based LTE networks, and increasing mobile ARPU in the face of the escalating challenge from OTT operators. Under the banner of "Upwardly Mobile," Metaswitch is urging operators to leverage advanced networking elements to ease service and technology migration pains, such as the Metaswitch Service Broker which enables operators to deploy or share applications across disparate network architectures. Simultaneously, operators should plan for new, revenue generating applications that add a different dimension to the voice call experience.

Continual incursions from Over The Top players have seen mobile operators lose out on revenue, margins and mindshare. With its Mobile Application Suite, Metaswitch can add significant value to the vanilla voice call, enabling incumbent operators to regain and refortify ground previously lost in their war on "OTTrition."

"The voice call is still the primary, ubiquitous 'app' to run on a mobile phone. Because we can enhance that experience, we can enhance margins and mindshare," commented Kevin DeNuccio, CEO at Metaswitch Networks. "We have focused our products, innovation, and roadmap on the speed and differentiation needed to arm the carrier with the necessary tools to turn the tables on OTT competition. Metaswitch has rich experience in assisting incumbents to evolve their networks and services. We help these operators to fight back, with a suite of powerful voice applications on the subscriber’s existing mobile number."

Applications available from Metaswitch can help build and complement a suite of "one number" services based on the mobile smartphone, including new twinned PC and mobile soft clients with SMS/IM integration, cloud-based conversation logs, and innovations designed to promote impulsive information sharing while maintaining mobile network minutes.

Meanwhile, the industy-wide migration to LTE mobile networks is already underway and will create SIP-based infrastructures at 10-times the scale and complexity of anything currently in operation. Today’s SIP networks rely on manual provisioning of static routes on network elements such as session border controllers, wireless mobile switching centers and soft switches to define network and service topologies. A rising tide of complexity and cost caused by manual network provisioning cannot be sustained, and it is therefore imperative that a technology solution be found. In response, at MWC, Metaswitch is launching its SIP Session Router (SSR), a product that will allow operators to continue benefiting from the simplicity and extensibility of SIP, while painlessly scaling their core infrastructure and administration.

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Visit Metaswitch in Barcelona this week on the MWC Avenue (Suites AV69 and AV100) to explore these and other wireless carrier solutions.

About Metaswitch Networks

Metaswitch Networks is a leading provider of the technologies and solutions that are powering the migration of communications networks to open, next-generation architectures. Hundreds of network operators worldwide depend on its reliable, scalable carrier systems solutions, while its high performance, fault-tolerant software technologies are licensed by all the world's leading communications equipment manufacturers. For more information, please visit