Legal notices

Metaswitch Networks

Metaswitch Networks Ltd (referred to as Metaswitch or Metaswitch Networks) was previously known as Data Connection. Accordingly all references on this website to Data Connection mean Metaswitch Networks.

Contact details

Contact details, including appropriate contacts for geographic areas, for our careers contact and addresses, telephone and fax numbers for our head office in the UK and our offices in San Francisco and Reston are provided on our Contact Us page.

If you are in doubt then please send all general correspondence to Metaswitch Networks at our head office in the UK.

33 Genotin Road,

Tel: +44 20 8366 1177

Registration information

The registration details for Metaswitch Networks Ltd are given below.

Metaswitch Networks Ltd

Registered office:
Reed Smith Corporate Services Limited
The Broadgate Tower (Third Floor),
20 Primrose Street,
London, England,

Registered in England and Wales (Cardiff) with number 1578918.

Trademark information

Metaswitch and the Metaswitch logo, among others, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Metaswitch Networks Ltd. or its subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, United States and other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The following is a partial list of trademarks or registered trademarks of Metaswitch Networks Ltd. or its subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, United States and other countries:

Accession, Commportal, Carrius, Colibria, DC, MarketVisions (Design), Meeting Server, Metasphere, MetaSphere Fusion, Metaswitch, Metaswitch Marketvisions, Metaview, Perimeta, Thrutu, Thrutu (Design), Ripple (Design), U (Design), Calico, Project Calico (Design), Metaswitch CN, Data Connection, DCL, Metasphere, Snap-IX, MaX by Metaswitch, Rhino and OpenCloud.

Metaswitch Networks Ltd Plan 88 Pension Fund

The trustees of the Metaswitch Networks Limited Plan 88 Pension Fund are required by law to prepare a "Statement of Investment Principles" to set out their investment strategy. You can download the full Statement of Investment Principles and the Chair's Statement.

Annual Implementation Statements

VAT registration

Metaswitch Networks Ltd is registered in the UK for VAT, with number No. GB 724594615.